Thumbnail Bug Plague — Play on Watch
Thumbnail Bug Plague — Play on Watch
Thumbnail Bug Plague — Play on Watch

The rules of the game are simple, try to exterminate the plague. Kill the insects.

For iPhone there are several challenges:
- Protect the cheese (don't let any insects touch the cheese)
- Realistic scenarios. Grass and sand ( more difficult to detect the insect)
- In white background there are 3 levels, with 25, 50 and 100 insects. Each level insects go faster and are more difficult to hunt.

For Apple Watch the game is simpler. 3 levels available: 10, 25 and 50 insects. Hunt all the insects on the watch!

The insects are very slippery, maybe you will have to press several times on it to eliminate it! Spiders, ticks, mosquitoes, cockroaches, etc. may appear.

Control the insect pest! (Assume you can never exterminate them completely).



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