Thumbnail Mini Golf — Watch Game
Thumbnail Mini Golf — Watch Game
Thumbnail Mini Golf — Watch Game

How to play with the Apple Watch?
Move the Digital Crown wheel to mark the direction, touch the screen to throw the ball.

And to play on the iPhone / iPad?
Swipe to mark the direction and power. Release to throw the ball.

10 circuits available. In each of them there will be a High Score (Game Center) to see who makes the best score. There is also a high score for the Apple Watch.

To submit the Apple Watch score to the ranking:
1- The iPhone and Apple Watch must be linked.
2- Play with the Apple Watch and before sending the score, open the app on the iPhone. When you press "Send Score" from Apple Watch, a screen on the iPhone with the score will be ready to send.

Now you can know if you are the best on the Apple Watch!

Mini Golf for Apple Watch.



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